Employer of choice

In 2022/2023 Regional Development Australia Limestone Coast (RDALC) delivered the Region Ready pilot project across our region, thanks to funding from the South Australian Government.

A key focus of this project has been the development of our Employer of Choice program and we are pleased to be able to continue supporting our region's employers stand out from the crowd. 

Employer of Choice - What Is It?
In simple terms ‘employer of choice’ describes a business or organisation that people actively choose to work at. Employees join and stay with these businesses because they offer more and provide more than others, and they stand out from the crowd – people genuinely think these businesses, or organisations are a ‘great place to work’.

‘Offering more’ and ‘providing more’ is not about bigger pay packets and free soft drinks in the fridge (although, these are good). Being an employer of choice means that your workplace offers more and provides more in an almost magic combination of tangible and intangible benefits to your employees. 

In a globally competitive market, we want businesses and organisations in the Limestone Coast to become employers of choice, and we want to help you get there. 
Employer of Choice Toolkit
Thinking of Making the Move? (Domestic version)
Thinking of Making the Move? (Skilled Migrants and New Arrivals)
We have developed an employer of choice framework built around what we think are the things that make businesses stand out from the crowd - we are calling these the 5 Pillars. 
The Employer of Choice Toolkit was launched at the full-day workshop at the end of March 2023, and is now available to download.

If you are interested our receiving support to become an Employer of Choice, please contact our office on (08) 8723 1057 or via email at info@rdalc.org.au.

Welcome Kits
As part of the program, we put together two welcome kits - 'Thinking of Making the Move?'. These kits aim to support skilled migrants and domestic relocators as they plan their move to the Limestone Coast. The kits include information about the region, major industries and employment opportunities, accommodation, education, and lots more. 

We have also compiled a list of useful websites and resources to help plan and support your move. You can view the list here.

Specialist Seminars
We also delivered a series of seminars on a range of topics of interest to business owners and operators. In May and September 2022 we delivered Specialist Seminars on 'Demystifying the Migration Program' where we looked at visa options for employers. We have also delivered Specialist Seminars on 'Disability Inclusion in the Workplace', 'Healthy Workplaces', 'LGBTIQA+ Inclusion in the Workplace', and 'Creating a Culturally Safe Workplace'.
A key feature of an employer of choice is a
organisation that creates a safe, healthy workplace. There is support and guidance available from the South Australian Government here
Employers of choice embrace diversity and 
promote inclusion in their workplaces. If you are interested in finding out more, click here
Training is available to increase employers knowledge and confidence to incorporate inclusive practices in both their personal and professional lives. You can find out more at the website here

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