Regional Development Australia Limestone Coast (RDALC) provides organisations with free, tailored, confidential assistance to new and existing businesses seeking to establish, relocate or expand their investment within the region.

- Our Manager, Investment and Infrastructure, provides a range of information and support services in the areas of:
- Providing insight into the Limestone Coast industry capabilities and strengths
- Researching development opportunities with economic benefit within the region
- Assisting prospective investors with the development of project proposals
- Economic impact modelling
- Providing information on regional priorities and strategies
- Letters of support for applications for government funding
- Referral and connections to the right people within local industry associations and government
- The Manager, Investment and Infrastructure, also works with businesses to connect them with the resources to source finance to progress their projects. For organisations or individuals interested in seeking grants and funding, please visit the Limestone Coast Grant Finder.
- Businesses may also wish to register investment opportunities on the South Australian Government’s new website for listing investment-ready projects, Invest in South Australia. The Department of Trade and Investment assists to promote businesses, projects and investment opportunities to investors across the world through this free, easy to use resource.
- Infrastructure
- RDALC advocates strategically for the provision of hard and soft infrastructure to support industry and community needs, to increase the vibrancy and liveability of the region. Our advocacy includes engagement and consultation with industry and Government, administering programs and research projects, provision of regional intelligence to the three levels of Government, and written submissions to Government.
- Contact
- Lauren Oxlade
- Manager Investment and Infrastructure
- Phone: (08) 8723 1057